For Legal Help or Debt Relief, your lawyer is "Near" in Peachtree Corners, Georgia
For Legal Help or Debt Relief, your lawyer is "Near" in Peachtree Corners, Georgia
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If you are being sued, contact us immediately. Defending your business is defending you.
Near Law Firm provides Business Litigation services in the following areas:
Starting your business and watching it grow and prosper can be rewarding. We offer incorporation services including Corporations, LLCs, Partnerships and DBAs.
If you need a business set up, Near Law Firm is a good choice because choosing the right entity for your business is an important decision that should be done with the help of both your CPA and your attorney. Don't let your CPA or accountant prepare important legal documents without the necessary legal training and expertise required.
Incorporating advantages include: your business can help protect your personal assets from lawsuits and creditor liabilities, save you money in taxes, provide business flexibility, and help transfer of interest and investments.
Near Law Firm helps businesses get started in an efficient and professional way by working closely with clients and the other professionals.
Near Law Firm provides additional services in the following areas:
We also serve as an agent for many corporate entities.
Take the Opportunity. Contact Near Law Firm for a free consultation regarding your business entity. We strive to have an attorney answer our phones. If we are not immediately available, we will call back as soon as possible. The call and initial consultation are free.
Important business articles and commentary by Near Law Firm
The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. We are a debt relief agency helping people file for bankruptcy under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. This information is not intended to create nor constitute an attorney-client relationship.
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